虽然 Adobe Flash Player 是一款浏览器必备的插件,因为它是观看 Flash 网页视频的工具,但有些人在安装 Adobe Flash Player 之后系统或程序本身会出问题,或Flash无法升级成功时,需要卸载掉Adobe Flash Player旧的版本。
Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller 是一款移除卸载Adobe Flash Player 插件和 ActiveX 控制项的软件 ,当你不能正常卸载Adobe Flash的时候 可以用它完成卸载。Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller可删除计算机上的所有浏览器的Adobe Flash Player的所有版本。
Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller 原文简介:
The program is a useful utility for troubleshooting and for testing detection schemes.
You can download and run the program to remove all versions of Adobe Flash Player from all browsers on your machine when they go wrong, especially when Flash Player installation was not successful.
Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller使用方法:
下载 Flash Player卸载程序;
运行Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller卸载程序;
下载 Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller 卸载工具 | 来自@奇芳阁